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Sunday, December 28, 2014

While many shy away from showing skin, some people in around the world find it completely fine - and fun. Take a look at some naked-themed festivals and events used to promote causes and advocacies, while others are meant to commemorate important events. In Philippines, an annual naked run in the State University called the 'Oblation Run' is often used to protest national issues. The name has been taken from the University's official statue - the Oblation - which is a sculpture of a naked man with arms spread wide as a symbol of offering one's self to the country.

Different Themes
Written by Lovely

Aenean quis feugiat elit. Quisque ultricies sollicitudin ante ut venenatis. Nulla dapibus placerat faucibus. Aenean quis leo non neque ultrices scelerisque. Nullam nec vulputate velit. Etiam fermentum turpis at magna tristique interdum.


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