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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Achieving the perfect ten out of ten in bed each time is not as a simple task as it appears. Well, the equations of intimacy too get affected owing various reasons. And when it becomes important to keep each other happy, one can always get some faking tips to steam up the climactic results. Here's how:

Say it sexy It always feels nice when your partner says some nice stuff in your ear when you guys are it. Even if you are not getting closer to orgasm and somehow find it this is not the day when you are going to have the perfect climactic pleasure, you can fake it by saying something very nice which will make your partner feel better. It can be a compliment on the way your partner kisses you or touches you or can be on what is that thing that arouses you the most. It will make both of you involved till the last minute.

Make some gentle noises It is not necessary to have orgasm each time you have sex, because there are some days which leave both you guys completely taxed on work front. So when you realize one of you is having a tough time getting the climactic pleasure, just make some encouraging moves. The moves can be verbal too. Sometimes, one realizes these sounds come naturally during those close encounters. So, make your partner feel you are equally enjoying the experience as you stick to those sounds that you usually make. Don't go overboard with the sounds, because your body language also gives an indication that you are faking it. So, be subtle with your praising noises.

Fake it right In addition to what you say, what you do also matters a lot, especially when you are faking it. Even if you can't fake it 100 percent, you can get closer by sticking to some touch mechanism. A peck here, a bite there and a gentle caress here and there will make your partner more wanted. After all, that what makes a union special.
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Written by Lovely

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