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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Assam attack, which claimed over 50 lives, has left the nation in shock and it has been one of the most brutal attacks of recent times in which women and children were targeted mercilessly. While the attack has been attributed by the Intelligence Agencies and the Assam police to a retaliatory strike, there are various other issues that need to be considered and addressed while dealing with this issue.
Failures by the government: It appears that while dealing with the issue, none of the governments have taken a serious note to the problem. It appears to be a complicated mess at the moment. There have been peace agreements that have been entered into since 1987 the year the Bodoloand movement started, but it has clearly not resolved the issue. Two peace accords were signed, but it never took shape and this has led to the continued problem and the result of which was seen in this brutal attack of yesterd.

Different Themes
Written by Lovely

Aenean quis feugiat elit. Quisque ultricies sollicitudin ante ut venenatis. Nulla dapibus placerat faucibus. Aenean quis leo non neque ultrices scelerisque. Nullam nec vulputate velit. Etiam fermentum turpis at magna tristique interdum.


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